It's a universal grievance, how you can be eating cheese and crackers and find, suddenly, that the number of crackers you have on your plate is totally disproportionate to the quanitity of cheese. In vain you heap your crackers with Emmental and Red Leicester; to no avail do you slather on the stilton. It's futile; it's doomed to fail, because with all that cheese you simply cannot achieve the perfect harmony of cheese and cracker that this great partnership of foodstuffs was formed for.In times like these, we live in hope. Hope that maybe, against all odds, somebody somewhere will find it in their hearts to produce more crackers. That, friends, is the role of the Cracker Fairy.
So if it ever happens that you are in need of a cracker, and all of a sudden, as if from nowhere, a cracker appears on your plate, the answer to your prayers - remember the Cracker Fairy. Spare a thought for your saviour, and maybe offer her a small word of thanks. Or some cheese, because she has a lot of crackers.EDIT: I forgot to give the cracker fairy wings. Oops.