Patrick was not a happy duck. He was a very sad duck.
On Tuesday, Patrick packed his things, which was nothing, and set out into the big wide world. He climbed out of the yucky squelchy lake, over the horrid smelly bins, and under the electric fence. Patrick's wings were stuck to his sides with nuclear waste so poor Patrick couldn't fly.
"Hello," said the creature, who was big and really hairy, "My name is Eustace. I am a fox. May I be your friend?"
Before the hoisin sauce, Patrick's mummy had always taught him to be a polite little duckling, so he replied, "Why hello, Eustace, what a delight to make your acquaintance. I would be honoured to be friends with you, as I have never had a fox as a friend before. Come to think of it," he added, "I have never had a friend of any sort before."
Me love Eustance